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Wills and Trusts

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Monday, November 18 at 3:00 PM

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Sachem Public Library
Community Room B
150 Holbrook Road
Holbrook, NY 11741

Are you wondering if a will alone is enough to avoid probate, or how to best protect your assets? Join Brittni Sullivan, Esq., Senior Associate attorney at Burner Prudenti Law, P.C. for a comprehensive discussion that addresses these key questions and more.


In this presentation, you will learn:


The Role of Wills and Trusts: Understand how different estate planning documents function, and the advantages of having a will versus a trust.


Probate Concerns: Explore whether having a will affects the probate process and how you can minimize or avoid probate altogether.


Asset Protection Strategies: Discover effective methods to safeguard your assets and ensure they are distributed according to your wishes.


Common Misconceptions in Elder Law: Clarify common myths and misconceptions about estate planning, probate, and elder law.

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Fill out the form below or you can also register by calling 631-941-3434 or by emailing [email protected].