Turning 18 is a right of passage. According to New York State law, you are now and adult! With the reward and freedom of adulthood also comes responsibility. You may be on a continued education path to college or starting a new job. Some new adults are still receiving monetary and housing support from their families while others find themselves navigating on their own. Either way, on the “adulting to-do list” you should also add the basics of estate planning. Whether you are 18 or 81, there are four key documents you should consider: health care proxy, HIPAA release form, living will, and power of attorney.
Why is a Health Care Proxy Important?
Once adulthood is reached, a parent no longer has the authority to make medical decisions on behalf of their child. Since you are no longer under your parents’ care, they do not have an automatic right to access your medical records, no one has that right. It is important to designate who may receive this information if you should become incapacitated and, further, who you want to make medical decisions for you if you cannot do so for yourself.
A health care proxy allows you to appoint an agent to make medical decisions for you in the event you cannot do so. You must choose a primary agent but can nominate alternates in case your primary is unable or unwilling to act. If you are in the hospital and have not signed a health care proxy, the law has a default regarding who can make medical decisions, is this who you would choose?
What is the Purpose of a HIPAA Release?
Beyond the proxy, a HIPAA release form should also be considered. HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It is the law that protects your personal medical information. A HIPAA release authorizes others to obtain your medical information. Executing these documents will ensure that your parent (or whomever you designate to make such medical decisions) will not face resistance when it comes to inquiring about the status of your health or providing care instructions to your doctor.
What Does a Power of Attorney Do?
In contrast, the power of attorney is a document that has to do with your financial and other non-medical information. This document will name an agent to make financial decisions on your behalf. The power of attorney does not strip you of your financial powers but rather duplicates them so that your agent can act on your behalf. A power of attorney can be beneficial if you need someone to pay a bill, apply for financial aid, or hire a professional, such as an accountant or lawyer.
What is the Purpose of a Living Will?
You may also want to consider a living will. A living will is a guide to your agents regarding end-of-life decisions, such as whether you want to be kept alive by artificial means if you have an incurable disease or are in a persistent vegetative state.
Take Control of Your Future With Estate Planning
Although these are questions that you will hopefully not face for decades, planning for your future is an important way of taking control of your life. The decisions you make today are not set in stone, these documents can be changed at any time. Anyone entering the first phase of adulthood should become familiar with these documents.
Author: Britt Burner, Esq. is a Partner at Burner Prudenti Law, P.C. focusing her practice areas on Estate Planning and Elder Law.