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Nancy Burner, Esq., 2016 Big Apple Entrepreneur Award Winner

The Big Apple Entrepreneur Network & Manhattan magazine announce Nancy Burner, Esq. as one of the inaugural winners of the 2016 BIG APPLE ENTREPRENEUR AWARDS.
May 18, 2016
Home > Blog > Nancy Burner, Esq., 2016 Big Apple Entrepreneur Award Winner

The Big Apple Entrepreneur Network & Manhattan magazine announce Nancy Burner, Esq. as one of the inaugural winners of the 2016 BIG APPLE ENTREPRENEUR AWARDS.

Starting in 2015, Manhattan magazine and the Big Apple Entrepreneur Network collaborated to research and develop a list of the most innovative and noteworthy companies.

Nancy Burner, Esq. along with the official list of the 2016 Big Apple Entrepreneur Award winners and their respective nomination categories are highlighted in a Special Section of the May/June issue of Manhattan magazine. In the Special Section, the nominated entrepreneurs shared their path to success and how New York City has been instrumental to their innovation and growth.

Award winners will be honored on June 14th at the BIG APPLE ENTREPRENEUR AWARDS event at Jue Lan Club hosted by Betty Liu, anchor of Bloomberg Television and Founder of Radiate, Inc.