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What if I Don’t Want to Be an Executor?

You can renounce your right as Executor and decline to act by simply signing a Renunciation of Nominated Executor form in front of a notary.

What is a Medicaid Fair Hearing?

A Fair Hearing is how to challenge a determination made by a local social services agency (“Agency”). An Administrative Law Judge from the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance Office (“OTDA”) precedes over the hearing.

May 27, 2022
What is a split shift and why is it so hard to get?

Community Medicaid is a government funded, need-based program that cover’s long term care services in one’s home. This means that recipients who qualify can have a home health aide help them in their home.

May 11, 2022
2023 Will Bring Expanded Eligibility for Community Medicaid

Change is coming! The New York State Fiscal Year 2023 budget expands the ability for New Yorkers to qualify for Medicaid if they are 65+ years old, blind or disabled. Effective January 1, 2023, the allowable amounts for income and assets are increasing.

April 18, 2022
Nursing Home Medicaid

If your loved one needs care now or in the future, how do you pay for it? Britt Burner discusses nursing home Medicaid eligibility and requirements.

April 18, 2022
Applying for Medicaid to Protect a Spouse

There are many misconceptions surrounding Medicaid long-term care. One persistent myth is that a couple will lose all of their assets if one of the spouses applies for Medicaid to pay for a nursing home.

January 26, 2022
Does my income disqualify me for Medicaid long-term care?

Medicaid provides long term care coverage to eligible individuals who meet certain asset and income requirements. Many people do not realize that they can become eligible for Medicaid and preserve assets – even when their assets and income seem too high.

January 5, 2022
How does Medicaid deal with a life estate?

For New Yorkers receiving benefits under the long-term care Medicaid program, a life estate is a strategic estate planning tool. Maintaining a life estate can ensure that your home passes to your intended loved ones after your death.

November 19, 2021
How do you expand powers in an Article 81 Guardianship?

Article 81 of New York’s Mental Hygiene Law allows a court to appoint a guardian to manage the personal and/or financial affairs of an individual deemed incapacitated. The court must find that the alleged incapacitated person (“AIP”) cannot appreciate the nature and consequences of their inability to handle such matters and that the AIP is likely to suffer harm if a guardian is not appointed.

October 20, 2021
Medicaid at Home

Learn the importance of Estate Planning documents and the benefits of the Community Medicaid program which can allow its participants the ability to live independently in their homes.

September 28, 2021
Medicaid Tips: Community Budgeting – How a Nursing Home Resident Can Keep $904 instead of $50 per month

Chronic Medicaid is a needs-based benefit that will cover room and board in a nursing home. When an individual is approved for Chronic Medicaid, the local Department of Social Services (DSS) determines the net available monthly income contribution (or “NAMI”).

September 8, 2021